Meeting Overview

Here is what you will learn at each station:

Station 1: The I-81 Challenge

  • Learn about the background, purpose, and process of The I-81 Challenge

Station 2: Getting up-to-date on The I-81 Challenge

  • Learn about the work that has been completed to date and some of our key findings
  • Review the material and videos presented at our May 2011 workshops and read some of the input we received from attendees

Station 3: Your visions

  • Review the nearly 150 "visions" we received from the public at the May 2011 workshops
  • Learn about, and give us your thoughts on the process we used for categorizing your visions to develop draft potential strategies for the future of I-81

Station 4: Possible future strategies

  • Explore in more detail the five potential strategies we are recommending for further study
  • Give us your ideas about these strategies and anything we might have missed

Station 5: Our transit system

  • Learn about our current transit system and the benefits transit offers to our region
  • Explore different transit improvement options and strategies that might be available to our region
  • Give us your input on improvements you would like to see
  • Take one of our two surveys for both transit and non-transit riders

Station 6: Evaluating future options

  • Understand how our local natural, historical, and socio-economic resources as well as the results of traffic modeling influence the viability of future options and strategies
  • Review the goals and objectives of the study as well as the criteria and metrics we will use to evaluate and compare different future options

Station 7: Next Steps

  • Learn about how we will use the input you provide us today and what you can expect from us in the coming months and years
  • Get an overview of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that will guide the eventual formal environmental review for any project or projects that emerge from The I-81 Challenge

Station 8: Staying Involved

  • Learn about how you can continue to be a part of The I-81 Challenge
  • Give us your feedback on what you thought of this meeting