Worskhop Overview
Here is what you will learn at each station:
The I-81 Challenge
- Background, purpose, and process of The I-81 Challenge study
The history of I-81
- The development of transportation in the Syracuse region, how our canals and railroads have impacted the location of highways, and the impact I-81 has had on our neighborhoods and region
- Watch our new video on the history of I-81
Our transportation system today
- Current conditions along the I-81 corridor including design deficiencies, bridge conditions, safety and congestion issues, traffic volumes and travel patterns in our multi-modal system
Understanding how traffic operates
- How and why we develop traffic models to help us understand current issues and evaluate future options
The land use and transportation relationship
- The complex relationship between how we use our land and the development of our transportation system
- Explore some of the difficulties and opportunities with land use planning in our region now and in the future
- Understand our local cultural and environmental resources
- Watch our video on the relationship between land use and transportation
Case studies of urban freeways
- How five cities have addressed their urban freeways including the similarities and differences with I-81 and the key lessons learned
- Watch our new video on urban freeway case studies
Your vision for our region
- Give us your ideas about what you think should happen with I-81
Evaluating future options
- We have identified goals for the future of the project and region and want you to add your own
- Help us determine what these goals mean and how we will know when we have achieved them
Staying involved
- Learn about how you can continue to be a part of The I-81 Challenge
- Give us your feedback on what you thought of this meeting