Station 5: Our transit system

Here is what others have said about BRT:


  • Anything that enhances public transit is good for the future
  • Could be implemented with transit policy changes and improved over time.
  • It seems efficient in getting people from point A to point B faster while utilizing jumps and can be used in mixed traffic
  • Cheaper to implement than LRT.
  • I like BRT, but this area doesn't have the capacity problems that justify adopting it.
  • I like Health Link
  • BRT on Erie Blvd. would be great. BRT will spur business/housing development because routes are fixed
  • It offers a very clear travel path to riders - making them more likely to understand and utilize it and it is a good step towards rail.
  • This is the 1st I've heard of BRT. It sounds great and I could see this working in SYR
  • Lessens the need for more and more roads
  • Since BRT appears to be successful in Albany - we should study their plan and determine commonalities with Syracuse
  • IT can be facilitated by means of intelligent traffic controls that favor buses & disadvantage cars. This allows a gradual increase in skew such that folks eventually volunteer not to drive
  • Good cheaper option for now but better planning than now.
  • Need to expand routes and # of buses. Not everyone works 9 to 5, plus that reduces peak traffic.
  • We need to pay a toll to pass from Syracuse
  • This is great! Thanks for focusing on this.
  • $$$ Affordable
  • Much more efficient than regular bus service. Hard to justify taking the bus if you can afford to drive because it takes so much longer. I would use BRT though. Need fewer stops to make it work.
  • I love BRT - especially as a pre-cursor to light rail. Designated Transit Way!
  • Speed and efficiency. Flexibility in route
  • Most feasible new transit option for us. Will help rally us back to transit

  • Large buses result in low frequencies and long wait times. Trips that require transfers can take several hours, when they could be walked in under an hour. It would make more sense to send smaller vans down the transit corridors in Syracuse, with much higher frequencies.
  • Smaller jitney buses should be considered for neighborhoods to downtown routes.
  • Currently our streets don't have room for added lanes for BRT. Centro seems to be handling the busing situation just fine. If they're coming out with their new real-time busing app thing, then they have it all under control.
  • We have a chance to do LRT. We won't have this chance again. We can do BRT anytime. LRT is the wave of the future (as it should have been back in the 1930s-1960s).
  • I need to go places buses don't usually go
  • Personal freedom is lost. If you can't get a nice commuter light rail it will not be a popular choice
  • It is fossil fuel dependent. Need high speed dhydro or solar rail.
  • It is an OK solution to a problem we don't have (heavy traffic).
  • Bus Plus Facts: Cost to maintain is too expensive and the fare is just $5 all day with option to transfer.
  • People are providing what they want, not what the rest need.
  • We need monorail!
  • Stigma doesn't address car culture.
  • Light rail option could tie together Franklin Sq., expanded St. Joe's, downtown with condos, S.U., Upstate, VA, University neighborhoods.
  • The rails are already in place joining Jamesville to Syracuse Univ to Armory Square to Transportation Center to Carousel Mall to Baseball Stadium and beyond. Take a train to the ball game. Have a beer in Armory Square after the game - and you won't have to drive afterwards.
  • I do not like buses or light rail, as they both take up to much surface area. A cable car system would be cheaper (run on steam, safer=camera/phones on each car, pollution free and free road surface for cars and emergency vehicles. It could run down middle of a new boulevard from 481 S to Genesee Street, turn to downtown and S.U. Make Syracuse the "Gondola City" for tourists.
  • Reduces transit time, but it costs more to start up. Doubt it would be successful in Syracuse. SMSA #s are going down here each census count - not up. Need higher population increase each census count to work.